E­Rate Modernization Experts:

Our team spent months reviewing, understanding, commenting, and clarifying the E­Rate Modernization plan in order to appropriately align our product and service offerings to best benefit schools and libraries.

Maximizing Category 2 Funding and Managed Wi­Fi coverage

The FCC created budgets for Category 2 services beginning in 2015. NetDiverse Managed Internal Broadband Services are designed to maximize funding for Category 2 services and provide the most coverage for Wi­Fi, Gigabit Ethernet, Caching Servers, Cabling, Uninterruptable Power Supplies (UPS), Racks, and all other qualified Category 2 service components.

Easing the impact of the FCC’s “Phase Down” of voice services support

For schools and libraries across the nation, NetDiverse can minimize or eliminate the impact of the reduction in FCC support.

Our typical enterprise level services are priced 20% below our competition. Furthermore, our goal is to reduce voice services pricing for all schools and libraries by an additional 10% each year for the next several years.

“The savings we realized with NetDiverse’s voice services provided us with the opportunity to upgrade our telephones and other network services. In addition to the savings, NetDiverse provides us with great service, understands our unique needs and cares about our goals and success.” ­ LeAnn Saldivar, President and CEO ­ Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Salt Lake

The most Flexible agreements in the Industry


Because schools’ and libraries’ needs change and technology advances, the FCC has modernized the E­Rate program. To assist schools and libraries through these changes and through future challenges as the program evolves, we build unmatched flexibility into our agreements. Its all about you, not us!


Voice Services funding will be phased down over time. NetDiverse provides schools and libraries with the flexibility to adjust these voice services every year, to any level, without penalty. A school or library can also change service components and can upgrade from analog lines to digital trunks to SIP Trunks with a simple change order.

For Managed Internal Broadband Services, we start with our process of Engineering and Project management (typically after funding approval). Then, we move forward when the school/library agrees with design for any specific phase of our project. The institution has the flexibility to choose whether to move forward, make adjustments, or wait. The school/library is in control and is only committed once work is performed.

Solutions we can all agree to now, and adjust the details later

If you don’t have the time to put a full technology and engineering plan together prior to submitting your Form 470, we understand! We provide solutions with flexibility for change. Once you receive your funding, we can adjust the specific details of the services proposed if necessary.

Our E­Rate Services

Category 1-­Data/Internet

●  Dedicated Internet Access Service

●  Business Class Internet Access Service

●  WAN/Private Network Services

Category 1-Voice Services

●  Local and Long Distance Telephone Service

●  Hosted Interconnected VoIP Services

Category 2-Internal Connections

● Managed Internal Broadband Services